Friday, 29 June 2012

Galaxy S3 Go Theme and Locker 3.4 (Paid version) APK

It is applicable to all phones and make your phones look like a TouchWiz UX Natural.
By installing this theme package, your phone's LockScreen and Launcher will become TouchWiz UX Natural-Like, which is recently the hot phone Samsung Galaxy S 3 's launcher.

Make sure your Go Launcher EX to have the following TWO settings in order to get the same apperance of the screenshot above,
Homescreen> MENU Key> Preferences> Visual settings> Icons> Uncheck Icon base
Homescreen> MENU Key> Preferences> Visual settings> Icons> Icon size> Default size (small)
This is a Theme for Go Launcher EX & Go Locker

Before Using:
You need to have:
The latest version of GO Launcher EX and Go Locker installed to access the theme.
(Search "GO Launcher EX" & "Go Locker" via Google Play Store to download)
To apply the theme within GO Launcher EX:
"Menu> Preferences> Theme>S3 Touchwiz 5 Go Launcher EX Theme>Apply"
(Attention: It will set your wallpaper to the selected theme’s wallpaper automatically.)
If icon on homescreen is not replaced by my theme's icon, please replace the theme icon manually:
"Long Pressed the icon>Replace>Theme’s icon>S3 Touchwiz 5 Go Launcher EX Theme>locate the icon"
Choosing Wallpapers
In the homescreen of Go Launcher EX, press "Menu" key.
Then, press "Wallpaper"
Select "Go Wallpapers"
Choose your favorite wallpaper
New TouchWIz UX Nature Locker with 4 Shortcuts at the bottom. ( Work on all resolution )
30+ HD TouchWiz UX Nature icons
30+ HD TouchWiz 4 Galaxy S2 (i9100) icons
30+ HD TouchWiz icons from Galaxy Note (N7000) ice-cream Sandwich
24 Natural HD Wallpapers
App2SD (Allow to move apps to SD Card Memory)
To Optimize this theme
For better outlook, please follow the instruction below:
a) MENU>Preferences>Visual Settings>Icons>Icon Size>Default Size(Small)
b) MENU>Preferences>Visual Settings>Indicator>Indicator position>Bottom of screen
c) MENU>Preferences>Screen Setings>Grid Size>Tight (5x4)
d) MENU>Preferences>Visual Settings>Icons>Icon base>Uncheck icon base

What's in this version : (Updated : Jun 26, 2012)
1280x1280 S3 Wallpapers are available now
Larger Icon Base
Most icons are now in retina form (108x108)
Required Android O/S : 2.0+

link1  Download     Link2  Download



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