Monday, 15 August 2011

Smart Compass Pro for android

Smart Compass Pro 1Smart Compass Pro 2

Current Version:2.2.1

Requires Android:1.6 and up


V2.2.1 update:

1. v2.2.1 : Galaxy Tab2 supported
2. v2.2.0 : new icon.
3. v2.1.3 : roll and pitch values

Smart Compass is a easy and useful tool.

Smart Compass Pro is the part 3. of Smart Tools series. (north, metal detector, GPS)

This is a compass tool to search bearings using a magnetic sensor.

1. Although you may turn the phone into portrait or landscape mode, the heading is fixed.
2. The Camera’s view is used for reality.
3. The Metal Detector is included.

If inaccurate, please check the magnetic field. The compass depends on the performance of your device exactly.

* Pro version added features
1) GPS and SMS are supported
2) Sensor speed controller
3) Vertical line for Lensatic Compass
4) Various Coordinate Types
5) Military Coordinate(MGRS)
6) No internet required.
Do you want more and more?
Get the [Smart Tools].

Download Smart Compass Pro 2.2.1 apk


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